You can perfectly control these windows with two players - zombies will only spawn at these two windows, as long as you stay at the windows and don’t move too far. To the left and right of the exterior GobbleGum machine (near the RK5 pistol wallbuy) there are two zombie spawn windows. The best map to farm Liquid Divinium is Zetsubou No Shima in Zombies Chronicles for Black Ops 3. Liquid Divinium drops randomly from a multitude of tasks in Zombies maps, and wall-buying is one of those activities. This method, basically, requires you to get to Round 7 and then start buying tons and tons of wall-buys. If you want to use them, stick to the basics - you won’t need to worry about losing them.

That’s about one Liquid Divinium about 5-6~ minutes in-game per Liquid Divinium. This method, if done properly, can get you around 9 Divinium per hour.