With all this here information ye'll be sure to create yer own spankin' new Cowboy build. DO you want to have fast or slow but heavy-hitting weapons (regardless of category)?. My favorite thing to do in Fallout 3 is just wander the wasteland. ! Gunslinger, Cowboy, Quick draw, and maybe Lady killer lol, Commando (if you plan to use lever-action rifles) or Toughness (if you don't), From level 22 you can take whatever you want. Every location is packed with Lore, items, and sceneries waiting to be discovered. Fallout New Vegas: Insane Unkillable & Unstoppable Melee Build Home » Guides » Fallout New Vegas: Insane Unkillable & Unstoppable Melee Build Ybot JLeave a comment It's a well done continuation of the original Fallout and Fallout 2 style of game play put into 3d. It would be good if you could give me some good armour that would suit a character like that. Do you want to use melee/unarmed? Weights of all Chems (including Stimpacks) are reduced by 60%. Grunt is a perk in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts. Please put in your feedback I am not good at making builds. At Level 20, a Int 10 Courier only has 3 x 19 = 57 skill points more than a Int 5 Courier, and 5 x 19 = 95 skill points more than an Int 1 Courier. I want to know what perks I should choose to deal a bunch of damage with these weapons. So I finally decided I wanted to try out a "Cowboy" build and roleplay him as pretty much a John Marshton type character. 44 revolver is 5, which means that even with the STR implant you wouldn't be able to optimally use anything bigger than a. The minimum required STR to use a standard. DO NOT take Good Natured or Fast Shot, ESPECIALLY Fast Shot because it will break your game early on. A high agility stat will give you Sneak, Ninja, and Night Person for stealth and Quick Hands helps you reload faster in case you miss too many times. "No one knew his real name, but my men had a lot of nicknames for that guy. 45 Auto submachine gun Service rifle Survivalist's rifle Assault carbine Marksman carbine All-American Light machine gun Explosives Frag grenade Holy Frag Grenade Grenade rifle Thump-Thump Grenade … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 45 Auto pistol A Light Shining in Darkness. Any perks or other weapons I should get? Guns 9mm pistol Maria 9mm submachine gun Vance's 9mm submachine gun. attributes, tips on skills, and examples of characters with a lot of hints on them. i like character builds, i like RP themes, so naturally i figured i would share my knowledge with those who need new things to do in New Vegas.

The suave gambler hat is a unique piece of headwear in Fallout: New Vegas. Before I begin, the reason this is in the Discussions rather than a guide is because I haven't tested it yet and its really more of a concept at this stage than an actual build.